Becoming a Gun Owner

As a Brit, the idea of owning a gun, other than a shotgun for Clay Pigeon shooting, was never something I thought I would do. Not going to get into the whole gun debate here, this is just a post about why I got one, what it is and why I chose it.

Why Did I Get A Gun?

Protection and sport. It was coming up to the U.S. 2020 election and as someone that leans left, politically, the talk of harming people like me was difficult to ignore. Frankie and I made the decision that it would be wise to be able to defend ourselves in our home. Once it became clear that our fears were, mostly, for nothing, I took up target shooting as a hobby.

What Gun Did I Get?

A Walther PPQ M2 9mm. It’s the standard 4 inch model but I also have a 5″ barrel more designed for target shooting. I haven’t modified it yet, save for the longer barrel. As of Winter 2021 I’ve put about 500 rounds through it.

Why That Gun?

I’m British and called James. It would have been a Walther PPK but they’re more expensive. I did do some research, though it was mainly to confirm it’s a good option. I also shot various guns at a local range including the obligatory Glocks and Sig-Sauer’s. Sure enough, all the reviews of how easy this is to shoot, and what a great trigger it has, were true.

The M2 has the American style button magazine release, where-as the M1 the European lever style. I preferred the button.

What Training Do I have?

I’ve spent a decent amount of time at a local gun range learning how to shoot the gun. I also completed a course for my concealed carry permit.